About Revival 120

Our goal is to create an amazing resource to promote revival and victorious Christian living in Apostolic churches. We want this tool to be as afforable as possible, while continuing to improve and support it for the thousands of people using it daily.

The program is called Revival120, but you may have noticed that it is called something different specifically in your church. The inspiration for this name comes from the number of disciples in the upper-room prayer meeting (Acts 1:15, Acts 2) that turned the world upside down with their intentional pursuit of God and His mission.

A small church striving for 120 is a beautiful goal and the primary focus of this tool - to build small churches to 120 core praying members and see what happens! But if you are a smaller team, you might build to 60 first. If you are already at 120, and want to continue to grow, you might aim for 200 or more.

This tool was designed to be customized to fit your church culture and vision and size.

The California Connection

The theology behind revival and intentional pursuit of God are clearly Biblical concepts. Organizing these principles into the Revival120 model was the brain-child of Rev. Doug Morgan, a Pastor and Evangelist who continues to bless numerous churches in his ministry.

He has shared this model with hundreds of churches and through it, thousands have been saved, with changed lives, growing churches, and numerous amazing testimonies as the result.

If you and your church get intentional about pursuing God with prayer, Bible reading, fasting and telling someone about Jesus, and try to track it in any way, you will be amazed at the results!

TODO: add notes about where the Morgan's are heading next...

Lynn Family

The Michigan Connection

This site and these tools were programmed and are managed by Pastor Scott Lynn and his daughter, Meredith Lynn, as a way to facilitate intentional steps towards God and revival. We believe God's Word will not return void, and those that hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled!

Our family and church are also part of the Detroit Metro District of the UPCI and we are pastoring and building a growing church in South Lyon, Michigan. Visit our church website, FamilyApostolic.org, to learn more about our wonderful church and for more online Bible studies and tools.

More coming very soon!
In His Service,
Scott Lynn

p.s. We started Revival120 in our church and are loving it so much we created this tool alongside Rev. Morgan to make it available for others.

Lynn Family

Site Policies and Privacy

The Website Mission

This website is structured in such a way as to encourage you to take positive steps to pray more, read your Bible more, and to get more serious about the mission of being a Christian in a fun and rewarding manner.

So there are multiple ways we want to encourage you to make progress, and to share your progress with others in simple ways, but you will also see a commitment to preserving your privacy. You cannot use this site to investigate a specific person's prayer habits, etc... Even the pastor cannot view a specific person's habit logs unless that person has logged in and specifically setup a habit to share their tracking with others in an accountability group.

Our Anti-Marketing Policy

We are Apostolic Christians and ministers of the Gospel, and so we are bound to do our best to obey scriptural mandates in our treatment of others. We promise to use Christian ethics and Biblical morality in how we treat you.

We promise to NEVER sell your personal information to anyone or share it with another party.

We promise to run this site the way we wish others would treat us. If we send out any email reminders, it will be at most once a month or because you have specifically volunteered to be reminded.

Use of Site Data

The only case where we might use data from this site in any other manner would be in a completely anonymous study on prayer, Bible reading and other habits tracked on this site. At that time, perhaps we would carefully export data to protect your identity, but would look at general attributes like gender, age and geographic location. This would be for the purpose of learning how to help people pray, read their Bible and do more for God.

If we begin such a study, we will happily share the news with you on this site or perhaps by an email, and if you wanted your anonymous data to not be included, we would try to accomodate you.

Data Ownership

Your data belongs to you. If you request to have your data removed from this site for any reason, we will accomodate you and thank you for giving us a try.

Misc Credits

Bible Translations on this site are either Public Domain or used by permission or according to the usage rules as specified by the different Bible Societies that support each translation.

Bible Copyright Notices:

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

Specific Graphics Used By Permission:

Shooting Star Image, Ribbon Star Image by Freepik
Winning Streak Trophy by roserodionova on Freepik
Starting Line Image by brgfx on Freepik