I Want to get better at prayer...

You are not alone, even the disciples asked for help to learn to pray. If you're at all like me, you struggle to pray more, but really enjoy it when you make the time for it, then wonder why you don't keep doing it...

Here are some hints and strategies that have helped many improve their prayer time.


One of the simplest prayer models is found in the word Acts. If you struggle with how to pray for 15 or even 10 minutes, this might be a great starting model.

Just spend 3 to 5 minutes praying about each topic from the letters in Acts. With very little practice and time, you will find it easy to worship and adore God for 3 to 5 minutes. When you get to supplication, you may struggle to get your list of needs in under 5 minutes!

A.C.T.S. Prayer Model

The Most Famous Prayer

It wasn't meant to be repeated, but Jesus said to pray "like this"... So take each line of the Lord's Prayer as a point of reflection and pray about that one thought or idea for a bit.

Matthew 6:9-13 NKJV

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

7 Keys to Prayer

1. Set a Time for Frayer

Build this into the rhythm of your day and fight for this time. Prayer is a practice that requires discipline and perseverance, and we should own the cost. Prayer is the greatest act of our day, and we must fight for it.

2. Find a Place to Pray

Pull away from the busyness of life and find a quiet and separate time to pray.

3. Find a Position for Prayer

You need to find something that works for you. Some like to go for a walk, but others find it useful to kneel, or sit in a certain chair. But position your body in a way where you can focus your mind and your thoughts towards God (without falling asleep).

4. Pray the Word

Many use scriptures as a model for prayer. It can be a favorite Psalm or a chapter from one of the New Testament epistles. You can read 1 or more verses and reflect and pray over the Word's you just covered.

5. Pray Fervently

This should not be a passive activity, but it would seem that God is more interested in us being more interested in Him. Don't pray with "luke warm" enthusiasm. Jacob struggled with either an angel or possible God Himself in Genesis, and so his name was changed to Israel, because he wrestled for that blessing. Israel literally means something like "He who struggles with God". You are invited into this amazing struggle, where God wants to interact with you.

6. Pray Specifically

Vagueness can be the death of prayer. You will find yourself asking God to "touch someone", and it can work, but get specific and bold with God.

7. Pray with Others and for Others

A group prayer time at church or in a home or park can be a powerful spiritual experience.