Bible Studies
Exploring God’s Word Cheat Sheet Teachers Guide
by Scott Lynn
36 pages
A survey Bible study of the main ideas of the entire Bible.
Welcome to God’s Word
by Scott Lynn
24 pages
An introductory Bible study on the major sections and covenants of scripture and on the attitude we should have as believers when studying God’s Word. Includes three bonus lessons:
- God is Love
- The 23rd Psalm
- Why Parables?
I’ve been writing and developing my own Bible Studies since 2012, and it has been incredibly rewarding to share these resources and watch God’s Word change lives. We sell professionally printed versions of these booklets, but I usually give away a lot more than I sell. Since starting FAC, I’ve decided to give away the online PDF copies of almost all my Bible studies in the hopes that I can bless more lives.
Please share these Bible Studies with anyone that might be blessed by these tools.
– Pastor Scott Lynn
The Beggar King
by Scott Lynn
20 pages
An Allegorical Look at the Incarnation. This short story, easily readable in one evening, is my attempt to wrap my mind around how Jesus Christ could be fully God and fully man at the same time and do and say the things He did. It includes a Bible study at the end including the scripture passages that inspired this story.
The Holy Ghost in Acts
by Scott Lynn
12 pages
This Bible study looks at New Testament salvation from every possibly angle in just a few pages. Starting with Old Testament prophecies, then with teaching from the life of Jesus, then to His final instructions after the resurrection. You will then visit every account in scripture that offers any details about how people encountered God and were filled with the Holy Ghost. Then we look to the epistles to confirm the pattern and deepen our understanding.
This is an outline form Bible study, where you read the passages and consider what they. It is structured to be taught in a small group or for individual, in-depth, self-study.
The Gospel
by General Youth Division, UPCI
36 pages
The Gospel is the Great News of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This 5 lesson Bible study, although originally written for teens, is an excellent introduction to the New Testament message of hope and how we should respond and apply it to our lives.
Highly recommended, and so we are including it on our resource page as well.
Speaking in Tongues – Gift vs Sign
by Scott Lynn
8 pages
Speaking in Tongues (also called Glossolalia) is probably one of the strangest teachings in the New Testament. This short Bible study considers all the passages in scripture that mention tongues. Hoping to present speaking in tongues as it was understood in the 1st century church, we strive to understand it in the 21st century church. Speaking in tongues was practiced and taught by the Apostles as a sign of the Holy Spirit and as a prayer language as well as a supernatural gift for instruction. This booklet will help you understand all three uses in scripture.
You are now heading into the deep-end of the pool for Bible study content. The following are lessons covering Apologetics, Endtime Theology, and resources on teaching Bible studies and leading small groups. I may include other misc materials here as well. Enjoy!
– Pastor Scott
Reconciling the Resurrection Accounts
by Scott Lynn
16 pages
This is (without-a-doubt) the most difficult Bible study you may go through. If you just read it, it’s easy, and easily understandable. But you are given an exercise that many have not finished. It takes some logic and careful reading and note taking if you decide to tackle the full assignment. This Bible Study considers the atheist claim that the resurrection accounts are a train-wreck of internal contradictions. I thoroughly enjoyed writing it, please let me know if you attempt to do the assignment on your own. I would love to hear about your experience.
Tribulation, Wrath & the Rapture
by Scott Lynn
20 pages
Many consider Revelation too difficult to understand, others argue over what the red horse and green horse might be. Instead of getting bogged down in details that are hard to verify in scripture, this Bible study focuses on the basics that can be understood, and looks at all the New Testament passages that describe the supernatural gathering of God’s people at the end of time. You may be surprised at how easy it is to know where the rapture fits into the Endtime picture.
Last Days Attitude Check
by Scott Lynn
8 pages
Are we living in the endtime? Examine the cultural, historical, religious, technological and financial description of the endtime world according to scripture. And finish by looking at what the Bible says we should do as the endtime generation.
Teaching Bible Studies – Tips and Techniques
by Scott Lynn
20 pages
Scott and Kendra Lynn have been teaching Bible studies and starting and growing small groups and home fellowship groups for 15 years. This booklet includes their best advice on how to teach and how to lead a small group.
Church Door-Hangers – Campaign Instructions and Legal Questions Answered
by Scott Lynn
8 pages
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney.
We try to honor home-owner’s who post no soliciting signs, but some communities – especially mobile home communities – have site-wide signs prohibiting solicitation. I had heard these were illegal, but I finally did the homework on it before my last door-hanger campaign. I am sharing the results with the rest of the world in case it helps someone else.
This is a great booklet to have handy. You can hand it to a property manager or a police officer. It includes the actual Supreme Court decision protecting canvasing for religious purposes.
A summary of the critical points:
Door-hangers are not solicitation. It is a different activity called “canvassing” and when churches do it during reasonable hours, it is a protected activity under the constitutional amendments for free speech, free press and the freedom to practice religion.
From the Supreme Court decision:
“The right of freedom of speech and press has broad scope. The authors of the First Amendment knew that novel and unconventional ideas might disturb the complacent, but they chose to encourage a freedom which they believed essential if vigorous enlightenment was ever to triumph over slothful ignorance. This freedom embraces the right to distribute literature and necessarily protects the right to receive it.”
Later in the same document (in bold on the last page of my PDF):
“Freedom to distribute information to every citizen wherever he desires to receive it is so clearly vital to the preservation of a free society that, putting aside reasonable police and health regulations of time and manner of distribution, it must be fully preserved.”